For taxi or transfer from Florence to San Gimignano call +39-329-725-6761 (WhatsApp) or

If you enjoyed your vacation in Florence, but it is not over yet, then do not rush to return home prematurely. Italy has a lot of cities with a distinctive history, unique attractions and enchanting landscapes. One of these is San Gimignano.

San Gimignano is an Italian city located in the province of Siena in Tuscany. In 1990, San Gimignano was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This small town is called the open-air museum of the Middle Ages, or the city of fourteen towers.

A sightseeing tour of San Gimignano will bring you unprecedented pleasure. Start in the historic city center, which is surrounded by a fortified wall built in the second half of the 13th century. All the main attractions are within walking distance from the center, so it will not be difficult to see them in a couple of days.

Among the main attractions of San Gimignano are the Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta, or the Cathedral of San Gimignano. It is an outstanding example of austere Italian Romanesque architecture. The cathedral is attractive by the contrast of its rather modestly finished facade and luxurious interior decoration. The temple complex of the Cathedral of San Gimignano includes the Santa Fina Chapel (Cappella di Santa Fina) — a real gem of Renaissance architecture. It is also worth visiting the chapel in order to see the skillfully executed frescoes that adorn its interior. The trapezoidal Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo) is considered the main attraction of San Gimignano. In the Middle Ages, it served as the center of the city’s religious and political life, and in our time it is the most popular destination for tourists.

Getting from Florence to San Gimignano is not difficult at all. You can take a bus or take a taxi. We strongly recommend that you choose the second option and book a transfer from Florence to San Gimignano with our company. We will provide you with the highest level of service, listen to your wishes and make your trip as comfortable and safe as possible for you. Our drivers are real professionals in their field, they all speak fluent English and Italian, which makes it easier to communicate with passengers.

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